
Common Birds

Written by Salim Ali and Laeeq Futehally

Published by National Book Trust

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Ornithology or the study of birds is one of the few natural history subjects which has a growing following in this country. It would not be wrong to say that this interest has been mainly due to the books written by Dr. Salim Ali (1896-1987) who possessed the rare ability, among scientists, to communicate his interest to the layman. Based on a study of Indian bird life extending over four decades, Dr. Salim Ali’s books and research papers made him an internationally recognized authority on Indian birds, a recognition which was amply confirmed by the honours bestowed on him by learned bodies in India and abroad and by the Government of India.

Laeeq Futehally, the co-author, is an ardent nature lover and freelance writer, who contributes regularly to many cultural magazines and periodicals. Foremost among her other interests is civic landscape gardening to provide a touch of beauty and grace to the drab environment of industrial centres and make them more attractive places for humans and birds to live in. She is the author of an excellent little English reader mainly for young learners of the language and the budding bird-watchers, entitled About Indian Birds.


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